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Moons: 2.5


Time Duration on New Terras Prime: 77 years


Planetary Year: 730 days, 732 days on Leap Year


Solar System: 15 Planets (5 Habitable, 10 Red Class.)

30.5 moons and a Cosmic belt of dust, 3 Solar Bodies.


Planetary Population: In the Billions.


Planetary Environment: Gaian


Politics: Global Union, represented and elected officials that govern each province. The Global Union is presided by the elected President and a Globally elected council that ratifies and constitutes legal procedures and civilization.


Technological Level: Advanced


Society: Trans-Zionist, an advanced Marxist utopia where roles are allocated, resources are even dispersed amongst the population. Money is no issue here, equality amongst the masses is common and peace is a relative constant.


Transgressors: Villox; techno-organic sentient species in deep hiberation. They exist in a deep Hibernation on the closest Planetiod that supports their biology.

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